it's heidi's birthday's your "cyber" cupcake i baked...just for you!
happy birthday heidi...
Wednesday, April 29

i just adore these images from emmalynne on etsy.
they speak to my soul...i LOVE old houses, old architecture, old-world charm...and warmth. and these images are giving me the "warm fuzzies"...what do you think?
new trick

anyway - these are photos of her new trick...she sits herself up - all by herself - in her "boppy seat". and she's pretty adamant about it. the first time i saw her doing it i about fReAkEd out. i thought she was going to tumble out onto the floor...which of course she would have if the straps hadn't been secured to keep her tucked in there. yikes! i'm not sure who she thinks she is...but she is trying to grow up waaaayyyy too fast. *grin*
* working on exposure compensation and these pictures...
Tuesday, April 28

all of these delicious lovelies are from cabria cove. the catalog came yesterday and i just soaked in the inspiration.
the first image is a box of chocolates - these are the types of chocolates i just may need to keep around the house...i wouldn't want to eat one...besides, they are all too beautiful to pair up with a spoonful of peanut butter....*smiling*
i have more inspiration to share later today.
it's a sickness...

Hmmm...I don't think this falls under the "clean eating" plan i've been on.
But "this"...
"this" my friends is one of my weaknesses: a spoonful of peanut butter with some chocolate.
Usually chocolate chips.
However, these mini m&m's "happened" to be available for consumption
(after i secretly purchased them the other day and hid them in the cupboard).
I should be ashamed.
But today...
Well today...
I'm just NOT.
I will definitely feel guilty later ...
But for now...
I'm indulging.
And do you know how I justify this?
It's a sickness really - the way I justify eating this.
You see...
I feel that by opting to eat "fresh ground peanut butter" I am consuming a healthy "protein". (which is a good thing - because we all know I get "protein headaches"...remember)?
The protein therefore balances out the sugar rush brought on by the chocolate. right?
Doesn't that make sense?
It sounds really good anyway...*big smile*
Enjoy your Tuesday.
But "this"...
"this" my friends is one of my weaknesses: a spoonful of peanut butter with some chocolate.
Usually chocolate chips.
However, these mini m&m's "happened" to be available for consumption
(after i secretly purchased them the other day and hid them in the cupboard).
I should be ashamed.
But today...
Well today...
I'm just NOT.
I will definitely feel guilty later ...
But for now...
I'm indulging.
And do you know how I justify this?
It's a sickness really - the way I justify eating this.
You see...
I feel that by opting to eat "fresh ground peanut butter" I am consuming a healthy "protein". (which is a good thing - because we all know I get "protein headaches"...remember)?
The protein therefore balances out the sugar rush brought on by the chocolate. right?
Doesn't that make sense?
It sounds really good anyway...*big smile*
Enjoy your Tuesday.
Monday, April 27
and so i spent part of my day with my dear friend, chrissy. with busy schedules and's been quite some time since we've been able to sit & chat and dream together. although ella didn't take a nap the entire time, (she was pretty much in my arms for the visit), she didn't fuss much. *phew* i left chrissy's with a host of ideas whirling 'round my head and an arm full of books, (ok, only 2 - it just sounded more poetic)? kind of. anyway, we are getting some fun ideas together - projects i dare not mention right now. trust me though...when chrissy & i get together, the end result is always something magical....(thanks chrissy - and thanks for those deelish cookies i shouldn't have eaten...mmmmmm....) *wink*
and speaking of something magical - here's a video i find "magical" - it's fun...what's not fun about giant "happy" bubbles?....enjoy! "During the Milan Design Week last night, British artist Stuart Semple released 2,000 'smiley faces' made of tightly-packed bubbles into the air, which is part of his on-going collaboration with Moncler. The bubbles drifted into the night sky and then dissolved. (Via" - taken straight from "poppytalk"
be still my heart...

so alas, i will but savor the pictures i'll be taking this week - the lens goes back on saturday - *sniffle*
Friday, April 24

brussel sprouts? yes, there are brussel sprouts in this scumptious homemade chicken soup recipe...and the kids can't even tell they are in there! deb wanted this recipe so i thought i'd post it - for any of you interested. this is a scrumptious version of homemade chicken soup from the eat-clean diet for family & kids cookbook. (i write notes on all of the recipes i try, not only for my reference but for when my children inherit my recipes/cookbooks - so look at the notes). for those of you who don't do the "orzo pasta" - you could always substitute a brown rice pasta of your choice for healthier eating. (or eliminate it altogether). so go ahead - make yourself a pot and eat your brussel sprouts! (side note - i am NOT a lover of brussel sprouts...but i love this soup). enjoy!
"sooc" pics

just posting some "sooc" (straight out of camera) pics of little miss ella. working on some photography assignments. (have some catching up to do). little ella-pie has been having "tummy" issues since starting her on oatmeal about a month ago. hoping to run her to the pediatrician this morning.
i'll post again later - got some things to share. until then...hugs to all.
Thursday, April 23

yes...i jumped from a post about desserts to something equally important. *smirking*
TiMe MaNAgeMeNt...ugh. do we EVER figure it out? you know, the "balance". the beautiful balance between making everyone else happy in your life while harmoniously keeping yourself satisfied?
i found this post from jessica sprague to be very enlightening. i have a strong feeling there are many of you out there who will benefit greatly from reading this as well. and i have to point out that i could soooo relate to her opening paragraph:
I'll be honest; I'm not a scheduled person. I'm more of a "go with the flow, see where the day takes me" kind of girl. But I do believe in the principles of time management, and one day I hope to get it right!
i have been told on more than one occasion how organized i am and how "together" i seem to be. ("seem" being the key word). my home, my life, on the other hand???
anyway...go check out her post - "finding the time to create". & if you don't have a google calendar set up yet, you just might after reading this.
i'm off to schedule some time to create...(after i get some "other" things done). *wink* and how about you? happy thursday!
source: clock necklace edm designs

literally...this is such a "sweet" find for me to have stumbled across. as most of you know...i am a lover of "baking". this can be a good thing...and it can also be a very very not-so-good thing. (not a healthy past-time if i'm consuming the goods i'm making or feeding it to my family on a regular basis). over the years i have really tried to satisfy my need for creating in the kitchen by making things specifically to "give-a-way". ("birthday" cheesecakes, "thank-you" cookies, "just because" dessert gifts, etc.) however, i was then met with a lot of "resentful" feedback from clara & ema because i was just giving everything away. (not a good thing - in the minds of children).
anyway - i came across this digi magazine through a post rhonna made and i'm really excited about it. some of these delicacies look to be promising in regards to "healthy indulgences". (or at least with a few tweaks on some of them). so perhaps with this new-found read, clara & ema will actually be able to have their cake and eat it too...(instead of looking at it as it goes out the door for someone else's pleasure) ok...let's be honest here - i'm pretty excited about the consumption part of it too. *muffled little giggle* perhaps you'll find it equally enjoyable on this thursday morning...
Wednesday, April 22

thought the can was a pretty clever way to celebrate earth day...
i found countless earth day images to share with you...but i decided to post this preview of disney's "earth" movie - released TODAY! apparently, one tree will be planted for every ticket purchased to see the movie. (this holds true for the entire 1st week of it's release). what a great thing to do with your family and an even more wonderful thing we can do for our earth...
Earth day 2009 from Zoltan Ladanyi on Vimeo.
celebrate the day by getting outside...enjoy!
Tuesday, April 21

so i attempt to go to the dentist today - with ella. (mmmmm....hmphhh....not a good idea). . so let's just say my pearly whites are only 1/2 "pearly" right now & i have another appointment on the 7th of may.
running on 1/2 a tank today. i've got what i call a "protein headache". i've had it since the close of yesterday. ever get them? it seems when i don't have enough to eat - protein, in particular - i get a nagging headache that begins at the base of my neck and creeps up behind my eyes. ughh! i didn't eat enough yesterday primarily due to dinner. yep. i made the mistake of making an absolutely scrumptious meal...i know. i know. how dare i? but....everyone went back for seconds before i got to have my "first". needless to say, my portion consisted of barely enough to make it "look" like i had dinner... just so everyone else could have more. (the small sacrifices we mothers make for our one is even aware of them 1/2 the time.) by the way - the meal was chicken fajitas - a recipe i found online inspired by j's love of the fajitas he orders EVERY time we go to chili's.
now i'm getting ready to prepare 1/2 of tonight's dinner since both clara & ema have eye appointments after school. (i'll be pressed for time once we finally arrive home).
i just turned my head to realize i've left 1/2 of the brown rice on the stove that i was attempting to reheat for lunch. (i dumped the other 1/2 on the floor by accident while holding ella - i just LOVE it when things like that happen.)
in keeping with today's theme...ella has awaken from taking 1/2 of a nap. *big smile* i better scootch...1/2 the day is gone already - *giggling*
source: pears
Monday, April 20 stunning. i adore every part of this. can i just say i want one of these for my own will LOVE this. (scroll down & pause MY music before you push play...don't forget).
i got this from tara whitney's blog - she's a fantastic photographer and she's collaborated with another artist, michel sandy, who creates these home videos. it's more like a "family motion picture"...his well as hers is breathtaking. i'm in awe. and of course... the music in the video is one of my fav songs from priscilla i'm naturally loving it for that alone. this made my'll make yours too!
in a nutshell...
weekend in a nutshell:
.....girls back from spring break
.....friday night soup night (fresh vegetable w/whole wheat homemade croutons)
.....lens rental
.....ema - swim practice & a day at the lake with cousins.
.....lunch with the brecklin's @ zellie's pub
.....clara - attended a b/day party
.....a visit from uncle mike
.....dinner @ cracker barrell (uncle mike's treat...AGAIN - we love ya).
.....bbq & badmitton @ my mom's (awesome food - love you)
and here are pics from this weekend as well...enjoy!

and then clara took over the picture taking while we were waiting for ema to arrive/meet us @ cracker barrell. (i should've changed the camera settings for her). *grumbling* but overall, i think she did a super good job. thanks clara!
uncle mike & ella
little miss ella
(look @ that crazy hair glistening in the sun - i thought it was hilarious)

uncle mike & ella
(how precious is that? it's her new thing to turn around and look to see who's got her)

j & ella (can you see her curly hair sticking up on top - too funny)
clara concentrating on the "word search" game we were all about to compete in
@ cracker barrell - (j & i against clara & mike...)

clara & ella after dinner
Friday, April 17


and little "ella-pie" is all snuggled up in the swing uncle mike bought for her. the swing is not moving a bit although it's making the sound as if it is rocking her...the batteries are so warn down that the "sound" of swinging is all it can muster up. i dare not turn it off know she'll just wake up immediately - on cue - and i've got to get some things done around here. *quiet laughter*
happy friday to you all! have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, April 16
these are a few things stirring in my head right now - i dream of them during the day - i lay down at night with them whispering "do me" in my ear...(*giggle*)

- scrapbook page layout involving clean lines - one 3d flower and ella's picture
- wall in living room decorated with pictures - mostly scrapbook layouts, (currently sitting in a drawer), along with oversized recent photos and an oversized letter(s)...just can't figure out what the letter(s) should can't be "s" or "k" - perhaps a big "f" for family/friends/fun/future etc.?
- a painting incorporating scraps of scrapbook paper or fabrics - things with dimension - flowers with wire coming out of the middle...
- painting clara's room with crazy/funky flowers to reflect her passage from pre-teen to teen coming up...soon...too soon.
- painting ema's room with two shades of wall color - green and blue - incorporating swirls in a creamy color - spilling over onto each color to tie the walls together?
i WILL do these things...i will.
what?? it's 2:30...and what was it i was trying to accomplish today from my "platform of possibility?" mmm-hmmmph? get OFF the computer jessica!
but's my other finished project: (which i must say, when j walked in last night he raised his eyebrows at the "black" wall and i'm not sure my explanation of it being a "chalkboard" convinced him of anything)? remember...i couldn't write on it until i'm not sure he could visualize it? i think it's fun. i know the girls will like it too. did i mention they will be home tomorrow? debated on creating a frame for the new chalkboard...haven't come up with anything i love...yet. & this chalkboard paint is sooo fun that i've had to restrain myself from starting additional chalkboard projects around the house...seriously. i've got this old door hanging on my wall begging me to slather chalkboard paint on the 5 panels in it...perfect for a "menu of the week" board or how about a weekly calendar of events for each person in our household? stop jessica...just turn. it. off. - quiet the voices. *laughing* (actually, it's just "energy"...not voices). and to make the "energy" that much more intense, did you know there is actually product out there for turning any surface into a dry erase board and there's other product for transforming surfaces into a magnetic one. crazy. and (i saw these things in lowe's...right next to the chalkboard paint). which by the way...i realize the chalkboard paint has been around for quite some time. i actually have spray paint from years ago...but i hadn't tried the "wall paint". so many other projects that have taken precedence. so glad i finally tried it. thanks again rhonna...for giving me the extra "push" to just do it.

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everyday life update,
home decor,
in my head,
my morning coffee...

okay - so i'm not a coffee drinker...but these images woke me up this morning and have given me that same caffeine-induced boost i'm certain coffee drinkers must feel after consuming their favorite latte...*smile*
these are absolutely divine images from emma mitchell - i want my home to feel and look like these pictures. (and thank you cartolina...for leading me to her this morning....what a perfect way to begin the day).