You'd think I had fallen off the planet.
I've said it before...
blogging is one of my very favorite things...
and with the time constraints in my life lately...
blogging has had to take a back seat to some of the other priorities that are competing for my time right now.
And trust me when I say...
it's driving me nuts.
This is my place to sit and connect with you for a few minutes...
My place for a little bit of "therapy" actually...
My little escape from the world to share thoughts...
fun things I've stumbled upon...
and ultimately bits of inspiration.
to keep things light...
but also be able to share SOMETHiNG fun from my world...
Today I want to share with you...
one of my recent purchases from a site I have become quite addicted to...
This little gem is from Antique Farm House...
I spied this item some time back and it was SOLD OUT!
I begged for them to bring it back...
and today...
I was freaking-out excited pleasantly surprised to see that it's available again.
(and I'm certain it was only because of the request from little ole me) *wink*
So I snatched it up.
You may want to check out the site too.
Be warned however...
Addiction awaits you my friend...
I hope you'll continue to hang in here with me...
My blog posts have been few and far between.
I'm re-prioritizing (constantly, it seems)
I've got so many irons in the fire...
Feeling like I've bitten off more than I can chew...
and trying hard not to get burned...or choke
...all at the same time. *wink*
So with that said...I'm holding on to this thought: