it's been a lot of hustle & bustle around here...let's see, where should i start? how about from saturday. (keep in mind everything is all about "perfect timing" when you are nursing a baby...i know some of you out there know exactly what i'm talking about).
saturday i took clara and ema & ella, (along with 3 friends), to see the movie "hotel for dogs". the kids loved it. i summed saturday up pretty quickly but i must tell you i left the house at 10:15a.m. and did not return home until 7p.m. (it was an all-day affair: taking em to swim, picking friends up, stopping by the house, getting lunch, the movie, stuck in traffic for 40 min. due to an accident with 6 kids in the car and 1 of them being a hungry baby, meeting parents for p/u, sitting in the 7-11 parking lot w/ 5 kids to do a power feed with the baby before the next drop off. etc....pure craziness but so worth it to make things happen for your kids.)
sunday was breakfast with deb and wayne and a small photoshoot with them and the baby. i'm still going through some of the pics but here are a few...

monday, all-day running, health food store, publix, seminole towne mall and back to publix. left the house @ 10:20a.m. and did not return until 3:45pm. i will not go into details because it would bore you and frankly it's embarrassing. (side note...ella, unexpectedly, was requiring more frequent feedings - not a good mix when you are on a mission). big smile. anyway, so i got home, fixed cranberry chicken, mashed potatoes, & green beans for j's mom and dad. ** i must add that ema and her friend daniel helped snap the beans so all i had to do was clean and steam them...yummy. again, i was pushed for time because ella would need to be fed @ 5pm and dinner had to be in the oven by 5pm. potatoes had to be peeled and cooked and ready for mashing following the's all about timing. i seriously don't think anyone gets it unless you are a mom with multiple children and have attempted nursing. sometimes it works like magic and other times it's nothing but chaos.
we finished the evening with family night - discussing our RAK's we are going to do for one another this week - incorporating the hearts i made on friday. for refreshments we had some sliced strawberries with a small bit of whipped cream and then i baked some molasses crinkles (one of our family favorites...thanks to grandma ambs)...@ the request of j's mom. they are flying back home to illinois today so it was nice to have dinner with them on their last night.
and now for fcat...
tuesday - this morning my girls are enduring the "fcat writes" portion of the state assessment testing...along with all other florida students. they are encouraged to eat a good breakfast the morning of and of course get a good night's sleep the night prior. so...this morning i prepared pancakes and bacon. (i would've done eggs but i was out and therefore couldn't use an egg in the pancakes and therefore the combination of me using white wheat instead of regular flour and no egg...well, let's just say it didn't go over too well with the kids). clara didn't even eat the bacon?? what's up with that? but anyway, i had to laugh because my friend heidi posted about pancakes and the griddle she just recently got. i have the same exact one! (although, unlike heidi, i don't have to have a huge transformer to plug mine into - but that also means i'm not living in japan either...craziness). i saw the cuisinart griddle on an infomercial and requested it for my birthday...and BAM! my mom & rick surprised me with it. so here's the wholesome, eggless pancakes from fcat breakfast today:

and then finally...."something new & exciting:

pretty tasty...the texture was nice. i enjoyed it much more than just regular old-fashioned oats. cindy says steel cut oats are more concentrated. but anyway...enough rambling for today. i wanted to get you caught up on things. em and i are still consistenly doing the fitness routine cindy has outlined for us. i'll keep you posted.
here's to a healthy, happy, less busy and equally exciting tuesday!!
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