i'm so into pillows. they are a quick & easy way to redecorate.
pillow sources:
i'm on the search for one of these...
i used to find these old shutters everywhere and for some reason they are hard to come by nowadays. hmmm?
a little pillow talk...
> attended ema's last "orff" performance of the year, yesterday evening - they all did a fabulous job & we are sad to see mr. bonner retire. he is their music teacher & has 34 years of teaching under his belt. he is phenomenal and both clara and ema had the opportunity to learn soooo much from him. he's one of those teachers who truly inspires kids - a teacher you will always remember. we'll miss you mr. bonner!
> j's mom, from illinois, will be landing in sunny florida tomorrow & will be visiting with us until tuesday. "boy are you going to be surprised @ how big ella has gotten!"
> had a wonderful mom's day - lots of love & a little bit of relaxation...from the baby. not to mention a new pair of fantastic sunglasses from j along with a necklace he got me a couple of weeks ago. (& he also gave the girls some money without me knowing, so they could pick out a couple of gifts for me too...what a guy)! mom & rick got me one of those digital frames - i'm so psyched to get that loaded with some fun photos & video!
> put up the last box of wall art from hof3 - the frames. LOVE them.
> i'm behind in my photographer's workshop...ugh!
> been exercising faithfully everyday with my "personal trainer"...gilad...*smirking*
> been feeling like my kids just "expect" things from me & don't realize or appreciate the extra things i do for them. (must be their ages?)
>feeling the "redecorate" vibe...holding myself back.
> only 16 more days of school left for the kids - the summer schedule looks a bit hectic already. which merely means the summer is going to fly by for them.
hoping all of you are well & good! here's to a fantastic rest of the week!
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