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& the winners are....

Wednesday, January 27

congratulations to the two winners....
candi was the winner for sending the most friends over to enter...
carmel won the selection...
so happy for you both...
(i'll be contacting you to find out print size, background color & font color choices)...
congratulations again....
(and do you totally love the frame i created as much i'm loving it?)

i was completely overjoyed by the amount of comments!
i appreciate so much every person that participated and supported the cause.
a special thanks to alison bosen who sent tons of friends over as well...
i wish i could send prints to every single one of you...

many people have inquired about whether the prints will be for sale.
i'm flattered that you love them so much.
i'm working on the details & i'll let you know soon...

Keeping It Real
i got a headache today stressing over the fact that my computer would NOT let me upload this announcement. all of a sudden, tonight, it's working? huh? i'm so glad to finally be getting to post it...thank you everyone for your patience...


Renee said...

Congratulations, Candi and Carmel. I am so happy for you both. It was lots of fun sharing with everyone. Jess, I hope that you had fun today, minus the computer issue. Congrats, again. 'Looking forward to sharing more on your blog. You are AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

YEA WINNERS!!! Congratulations!!! Thanks to Jess for your generosity in this give away!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jessica for such a great contest. I would love to be able to buy one of your prints if you decide to sell them. Best wishes as you start your second year of blogging!

Alison said...

Yea to Candi and Carmel!!! Candi... you totally whoopped my behind!!! :-) Way to share the joy of reading/seeing/feasting on all of Jess' amazing talents!!!

P.S. My word verification below is... sharing!!

Candi Ladwig said...

Yipee!! Thanks so much :) Do you realize Carmel is my mom?? How fun is that??? {did you catch Carmel/Candi???}

Thanks to all my Facebook friends! Everytime Alison got in the lead I posted a new status update!! My youngest daughter's room is light pink and black with polka dots!! This is perfect!! I am totally going to frame it like Jess did!!

{So to answer your questions... light pink background with black writing... just like the frame you did! My mom says she wants the same}

Thanks again and I can't wait to see another year of fun creations!!

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