The four winners have officially been chosen using random.org for this giveaway.
Read what they had to say about the qualities and characteristics that make a man an exceptional Father/Dad...
#15 - Jenny B. who said
"My favorite thing about my dad is he is always there for me...no matter what!
#11 - Doubly Blessed who commented:
"My husband is an amazing father. I think his patience and sense of humor make our home a better place!"
#5 - Renee Funk
"Being an exceptional Father requires a man to lead his children by example; showing strength,
vulnerability, happiness, sadness, compassion, empathy, determination, drive, love and above all iNTEGRiTY"
#42 - Renee
"Spending time with one's family and sharing and caring is what it is all about for a Dad.
I am so proud of my husband for being that kind of Dad."
Please email me your mailing address so I can ship your gift out right away:
The rest of you (us) are still winners since we have until June 19th to take advantage of the 20% discount code: lovedad11
"Greetings from Compendium"...
Those were the first words on the letter included in this unexpected delivery I received a couple of weeks ago...
I was SO completely beside myself as I looked through the gorgeous Father's Day products...
sent to me from my FAVORiTE inspirational gift and greeting card company EVER: Compendium!
sent to me from my FAVORiTE inspirational gift and greeting card company EVER: Compendium!
"Dad - My Hero" - a book featuring a beautiful collection of quotations about fatherhood.
"Hero" by Kobi Yamada - a book filled with quotes to inspire...
An "interview journal" for your dad to record and share his story...
"His Life" journal with inspirational quotes sprinkled throughout...
Pop-open window greeting cards for daily inspiration...

Simple. Handsome books for the hero in your life.
Because Compendium loves sharing gifts of joy and inspiration...
I knew I had to pass along the goodness and share the love with all of you.
I've got FOUR beautiful Father's Day gifts from the Compendium website to offer up!
Instead of picking just one winner to receive all four gifts...
I've decided to pick FOUR different winners - each to receive one of the gifts shown below...
Here's how to enter to win:
Enter up to FOUR different times to increase your chances of winning:
(leave separate comments here on the blog after you've performed each task -
four different comments = four different entries)
1. Leave a comment on the NEW Live Inspired Facebook page to let them know you are a fan and that I sent you...
2. Become a fan of Pen N' Paperflowers on Facebook
3. Leave a separate comment here to let me know what your favorite item is from the Compendium website.
4. Leave a comment about a quality/characteristic that makes a man an exceptional father/dad.
Contest starts today: Wednesday, June 1st
Contest ends: Monday, June 6th
Winners Announced: Tuesday, June 7th
This contest is open to U.S. residents only
The fun doesn't end there though...
Compendium is offering my blog readers a...
20% discount on ANY items on the Compendium website through June 19th.
Pick up the perfect graduation gift, birthday present or even something special for yourself.
Enter the dicount code: lovedad11 during Step 2 of the checkout process.
(verify the code has been properly entered during Step 4)
And just because I adore you to pieces and I'm feeling especially inspired to inspire...
I'll leave you with one of my favorite Compendium videos...
Enjoy your day!
Be inspired.
I didn't grow up knowing my dad.
He and my mom divorced when I was only two and he wasn't part of our lives.
My mother never remarried until I was an adult.
My grandfather was the father-figure in my life...
and I am so incredibly lucky for that.
Like so many of these Father's Day Compendium books referred to...
he really was my HERO...in so many different ways.
These books are beautiful! I like Live Inspired on Facebook!
I like Pen N' Paperflowers on Facebook too! All of your work is beautiful!
A great Dad is a man who can teach his children with compassion and in a positive way. I'm so thankful for my Dad and my husband, who is a wonderful Dad to our three little boys.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [01 Jun 10:15am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thank you for introducing me to the Compendium site. Wow they have beautiful products. I think my favorite are the diaries and journals. I LOVE the "Care Everyday" Journal.
I am IN LOVE with everything on Pen N'Paperflowers, and have been following your blog and your Facebook page for a few months now! You rock! So glad I found you! :)
Being an exceptional Father requires a man to lead his children by example; showing strength, vulnerability, happiness, sadness, compassion, empathy, determination, drive, love, and above all INTEGRITY.
thanks for the great giveaway. I loved the We The People on Compendium website. Would love to give this to my hubby he sacrafices everyday for our little family so I can be a stay at home mom and raise our son.
Left a comment on the LI fb page!
fan of P n P on fb
I love the My Father-his words book! That would be so cool for my kids to have when they are older!
My husband is an amazing father. I think his patience and sense of humor make our home a better place!
Love the inspirational books at Pen N'Paperflowers! Lovely items- glad to know about this store!
Journals were also a fav!
i liked the new live inspired page and left a comment letting them know you sent me
i like pen n' paper flowers on fb
favorite on teh compendium site is the gratitude every day journal
my favorite thing about my dad is he is always there for me.. no matter what.
I love these books! 1. I left a comment on the NEW Live Inspired Facebook page
I am a fan of Pen N' Paperflowers on Facebook
I am loving the Garment District Greeting Card Box Set
An exceptional dad to me is a dad that doesn't mind spending an extra hour on a project because his little helpers want to be just like him.
fan on facebook!
I would love to have the his life journal...what a great keepsake!
I have "liked" you on Facebook, but really I LOVE you! :)
I would have to say that the comment above by Renee literally takes the words out of my mouth! I feel so blessed to have a father who led his life just like that.
My favorite product hands down is the book "She" by Kobi Yamada. I am inspired by it daily as it sits right in the center of a shelf in my studio. It's brilliant and beautiful!
I like "live inspired" on fb. Thanks for the great find!!
i like pen n' paper on facebook... of course! ;-)
a dad teaches his children how to love their mother! :-)
oh man... I LOVE the '5' book! LOVE IT!!!
I am absolutely IN LOVE with all of compendium's stuff! I think all of us need a boost everyday and what a gorgeous way to display it too.
What makes a man an exceptional dad is becoming an active part of child's life, not because of chance but because of choice.
I "like" the Live Inspired page on facebook!
I love your page on facebook.....awesome things!
My favorite are the lunchbox cards with the windows...my kid's love to see them in their lunch box. Their friends even ask if their mom can send extra! ;-)
I love that my husband has taken the extra time and effort to ensure a relationship with our children....being deployed can take it's toll on any family and it's a tough job to make that relationship last and work. He's earned more than one gold star as a daddy!! He's also very supportive of me being "daddy" while he's away....
I am a fan of pen n paper flowers
My step father is an exceptional father because he stepped in and became a father to me and my sister and has continued to be a great father and now the best grandfather to our children.
Liked & Left A Comment at Live Inpired, Great Blog :O) I "Like" you on FB :O)
I like Dad, My Hero the best! Thank you for the chance to win these goodies!!
Jess, thank you for sharing with us! Spending time with one's family and sharing and caring is what it is all about for a Dad. I am so proud of my husband for being that kind of Dad!
Jess, I follow you on twitter; I don't have Facebook so I hope that is ok. Thanks for the chance to win this special prize!
Thank you everyone for participating in this fun giveaway! I've LOVED reading over your descriptions about what makes a man a good father/dad. Thanks for inspiring me - and others.
The four winners have officially been announced - go back to the top of the original post to see if it was you.
The rest of us still have until June 19th to use our 20% discount on ANY item in the Compendium store.
Winners email me your mailing addresses pronto. *wink*
Hugs to all of you and thank you again for being such faithful followers/readers/fans!!
Jess, thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway and for this gift; I know my hubby will enjoy it.
Congrats to the other winners and to everyone for sharing their thoughts. Did I say that I love your blog? It is always filled with so much fun and inspiration. Thank you!!
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